Why Am I Being Audited?

Author: Muib Khan

Updated: 8/7/2024

4 min read

Why Am I Being Audited?


Receiving a notice from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) informing you that your tax return is being audited can be a source of anxiety and confusion for many taxpayers. While the prospect of a CRA audit can be daunting, it's essential to remember that an audit doesn't necessarily mean you've done something wrong. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind CRA audits, what triggers them, and what we can do to help you navigate the process smoothly.

First Things First: What is a CRA Audit?

A CRA audit is an official examination of your financial records, tax returns, and other relevant documents to ensure that you have accurately reported your income, claimed deductions, and complied with tax laws and regulations. Audits are conducted to maintain the integrity of the tax system and to identify any discrepancies or errors in tax returns.

Why Am I Being Audited?

Random Selection

One common reason for a CRA audit is random selection. The CRA may select your tax return for an audit without any specific reason. This process helps maintain fairness and ensures that all taxpayers are subject to scrutiny at some point, not just those who are suspected of wrongdoing.

Unusual Income or Deductions

If your income or deductions seem significantly different from what is typical for someone in your profession or income bracket, it may trigger an audit. Unexplained income spikes or excessive deductions could raise red flags.

Frequent Changes in Your Tax Returns

Consistently changing your tax return information from year to year or making frequent amendments could attract attention from the CRA. While it's normal to make corrections when necessary, frequent changes without valid reasons may lead to scrutiny.

Information Matching

The CRA has access to a vast amount of financial data, including information from employers, banks, and other government agencies. If the information reported on your tax return doesn't align with the data the CRA has on file, an audit may be initiated.

High-Risk Industries

Certain industries, such as self-employment, small businesses, and the gig economy, are often considered at higher risk for tax evasion. If you work in one of these industries, you may be more likely to face an audit.

Tips or Complaints

The CRA sometimes receives tips or complaints from the public about potential tax evasion or fraud. If someone has reported concerns about your tax activities, it may lead to an audit.

Previous Audits

If you've been audited in the past and discrepancies were found, you may be subject to additional audits to ensure compliance with tax laws.

What To Do If You're Being Audited?

  • Review Your Tax Return: Start by reviewing your tax return to ensure that you reported all income and claimed deductions accurately. Gather all relevant documents, including receipts, invoices, and financial records.

  • Cooperate with the CRA: Cooperating fully with the CRA during the audit process is crucial. Respond promptly to any requests for information and provide documentation as requested.

  • Seek Professional Help: If you're unsure how to handle the audit or may need assistance, consider hiring a tax professional accountant. Our firm specializes in CRA audit assistance, so if you need someone who understands the ins and outs of audits, our firm will be more than happy to help you.

  • Learn from the Experience: Regardless of the audit's outcome, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your record-keeping and tax reporting practices. Understanding why you were audited can help you avoid similar situations in the future.


Receiving a CRA audit notice can be unsettling, but it's essential to approach the process calmly and professionally. Audits are a routine part of the tax system designed to ensure fairness and compliance. By understanding the common triggers for audits and cooperating with the CRA, you can navigate the process with confidence and ensure that your tax affairs are in order. Remember, an audit doesn't necessarily imply wrongdoing; it's an opportunity to verify and rectify any discrepancies in your tax reporting. If you are being audited, contact Muib Khan CPA today for help.

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